I have just seen that on the settings page of MusicInfoScr there is an
option "Show playlist name for online streams". In the info it is
described that online streams sometimes don't have the artist and/or the
album tag set and with this option enabled the playlist name of the
online stream can be displayed instead of an empty tag.

I have tried this option but it makes no difference in the display
output which is correct since the tag concerned in the present case is
the COMPOSER tag. However, could it be that TitleSwitcher, MusicInfoScr
or even a core component of Squeezebox Server displays the "playlist
name" (whatever this is in an online stream) if the COMPOSER tag is
empty? As alreday mentioned, it seems that always the name of the menu
item is displayed at which the PLAY button was pressed, so it could be
that this is be default the "playlist name". And since in some cases the
COMPOSER and the ARTIST are treated similarly (there is e.g. an option
to include composer in the search for artist) there could be a cross
connection which lead to the present problem.

At the moment it seems that the problem is related to the TitleSwitcher
plugin since it does not show up if MusicInfoScr is used without
TitleSwitcher. But the replacement rule could in my opinion even be
defined in the core of Squeezebox Server and there is only a wrong
handling how TitleSwitcher communicates the empty COMPOSER tag to the
core component.

I have no idea if this makes sense but if I can give you any
information which could help to track down this bug I will do.

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