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Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?
- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

elektronaut;558120 Wrote: 
> Hi indifference_engine,
> I am controlling my receiver with the sbc now using the SIRC protocol.
> Works like a charm and makes things so much easier as I do not have to
> use my Harmony besides the sbc.
> I had to rule out some errors in my config file though, which took me
> some time. Any plans for an editor, maybe as a sbs plugin?
Hey, welcome onboard!  I'm glad you got it working, as I don't have any
Sony equipment I couldn't really test that part of the code and had to
do a bit of guesswork but it looks like everything is good.

Everyone is asking for a write-my-xml-for-me-plugin but I don't know
how to program in perl so I won't be writing one and there's plenty of
free xml editors out there that will make the configuration process
easier.  Most web-browsers will parse xml and point out any glaring
syntax errors for you (ie8 certainly does) which takes some of the pain
out of debugging your xml.  These should spot mistakes like missing
brackets, missing termination elements (</...>), missing quotes round
arguments etc.. All you would need to worry about is making sure the
actions reference commands that actually exist in <remotes> and making
sure the elements have the right names.  Maybe an xml wizard could
create a DTD for squeezeIR.xml to validate against?

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