;559138 Wrote: 
> Have been trying out the plugin for a few days now, and I have come
> across two problems:
> 1.
> It seems I have the same issue as #336 with my Squeezebox trying to
> connect and then after 10 seconds or so, it skips to the next track,
> tries to connect, skips etc...
> I get this behvaiour quite random. Sometimes it works fine. Sometimes
> not. After stopping and starting Squeezebox Server, it works now. I'll
> try to see if I can reproduce it again, and then I will attach some
> logs.
> Which logs are of interest for this matter?
> 2.
> It seems song information is mixed up/not correctly imported.
> I have the setting that my Squeezebox should show:
> Trackno. Title - Artist - Album
> But my Squeezebox only shows:
> Artist - Album
> It seems that Trackno. and Title information is somewhat mixed
> up/missing also when using the webinterface towards the Squeezebox
> Server.
> I have a Squeezebox Classic, MacMini Core2duo, OS X 10.6.4., Squeezebox
> Server 7.5.1

Problem 1 is probably the same as seem by others.  I don't have a fix
for this at present.

Problem 2 is probably down to the playlist handling and I hope to
improve soon.

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