erland;559337 Wrote: 
> Would it be a bad idea to just use the SBS max playlist size setting ?
> Or is there a risk that number will will be too high so it causes
> performance problems ?

Actually I think it needs to be at least this value as there are corner
cases with multiple playlists where to maintain expected operation the
server would need to hold all playlists in memory.  For the moment I
will make it a configuratble item from the spotify plugin and default
to the same as maxPlaylistLength.

The issue is all the server playlist code assumes that the playlist
contains objects or urls for which objects can be created from the db. 
But remote tracks aren't added to the real db, there is an emulated db
which has a constrated size.  Strange things happen when the playlist
code can't fetch intformation from the db for the tracks it holds (such
as missing title, missing meta data, no duration leading to tracks
repeating at the end etc)

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