vagskal;562999 Wrote: 
> I use CustomScan with only manual scans with modules Custom Tag and
> Rating Tag and just wondered if I can initiate a scan with both modules
> simultaneously and if there are any performance issues when doing so,
> i.e. will it be faster than consecutive scans.
It depends what takes time, could you try enable "info" level logging
of "plugin.customscan" in SBS Settings/Advanced/Logging and then run a
rescan and post the log when it's finished ? Do this independent if the
solution described below works because it's always good for me to get
some timings of the different parts in a larger library.

If the time is in the refresh operation in the beginning it might be
faster to run both at once instead of sequentially.

I think you can get what you want by:
1. Goto SBS Settings/Plugins/Custom Scan/Various Settings and set the
"Automatic rescan" parameter to true
2. In the Custom Tag and Rating Tag configuration make sure the
"Include in automatic scans and "Scan All"" is checked and make sure
it's unchecked for all modules you don't want to include.
3. Hit "Scan all", this should perform scanning of all scanning modules
which has been checked according to point 2. The setting in point 1 will
make sure scanning is never executed automatically.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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