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chincheta0815;608021 Wrote: 
> Hey folks,
> I debugged my config files a little bit. Then I checked them with
> SqueezePlay and got no error message and the relevant logfile seems to
> be ok. (BTW SqueezeIR seems to have problems with the icon in
> SqueezePlay).
> After all this, I tried it on the controller. I pressed the "Update
> Configuration" button and right after telling me that everything went
> right (Status code 3: Success) my friend begins to restart over and
> over again...
> Remembering the old times, I got my saved copy of SqueezeIR-0.93 and
> guess what... Yep, no problem! Working without complaint!!! But without
> the cool features...
> Could there maybe a problem with the feature of storing the config
> locally on the controller? I don't know where all the settings are
> stored, but there are no lirc files nor squeezeir.xml files in the
> SqueezeIR directory on the controller. Maybe something occurs while
> storing or reading the config from this secret magic place?
> I attached the relevant files...
> Thank you again in advance for your help..

I did try your configuration on my Controller and it worked without any
problems but I shall try again.  This does sound like a memory issue,
what other applets are you using?  What is the Controller's memory
usage (settings>advanced>diagnostics)?  Which version of SBS are you
using and wht is the firmware revision on the controller?

SqueezeIR saves the xml & lirc files into its settings file which is at
/etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/SqueezeIR.lua on the Controller,
maybe you could have a look there?

What is the icon problem with SqueezeIR on SqueezePlay?  I use
Squeezeplay to test SqueezeIR and have never seen an issue.


2xReceiver, 2xController, 1xSB3, 2xSqueezeSlave, SBS 7.5.3
Inventor of SqueezeIR applet for the Controller
indifference_engine's Profile: 
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79524

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