So, I've been troubleshooting all night. I cannot get the Spotify plugin
to work. I have a DiskStation 411+ (Intel dual core) and I'm running the
latest Squeeze Server firmware (7.5.3). I have installed the spotify
plugin for use with the Squeezebox boom. 

This is my logfile:

[11-02-08 23:53:48.4042] main::init (323) Starting Squeezebox Server
(v7.5.3, r31792, Mon Jan 24 08:21:38 MST 2011) perl 5.008006
[11-02-08 23:54:20.0922] Slim::Utils::MySQLHelper::createSystemTables
(506) FATAL: Couldn't connect to database: [Can't connect to local
MySQL server through socket
'/volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/Cache/squeezebox-mysql.sock' (2)]
[11-02-08 23:58:06.9527] main::init (323) Starting Squeezebox Server
(v7.5.3, r31792, Mon Jan 24 08:21:38 MST 2011) perl 5.008006
[11-02-08 23:58:18.0940] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[23:58:18.0930] /volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/Cache/cookies.dat does
not seem to contain cookies at
/volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/CPAN/HTTP/ line 427.
[11-02-09 00:03:11.5383] main::init (323) Starting Squeezebox Server
(v7.5.3, r31792, Mon Jan 24 08:21:38 MST 2011) perl 5.008006
[11-02-09 00:03:11.6009] main::changeEffectiveUserAndGroup (867)
Warning: Current user is admin
[11-02-09 00:03:11.6018] main::changeEffectiveUserAndGroup (868)
Warning: Must run as root to change effective user or group.
[11-02-09 00:03:11.6025] main::changeEffectiveUserAndGroup (870)
Warning: Aborting at /volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/
line 870.
[11-02-09 00:09:47.0045] main::init (323) Starting Squeezebox Server
(v7.5.3, r31792, Mon Jan 24 08:21:38 MST 2011) perl 5.008006
[11-02-09 00:14:47.6390] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (41)
helper app: spotifyd not found
[11-02-09 00:14:47.6404] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (41)
helper app: spotifydnoflac not found
[11-02-09 00:14:47.6418] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (41)
helper app: spotifydppc not found
[11-02-09 00:14:47.6661] Plugins::Spotify::Settings::__ANON__ (143)
error fetching status: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint is not
connected, retries left: 5
[11-02-09 00:14:47.9704] Plugins::Spotify::Settings::__ANON__ (143)
error fetching status: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint is not
connected, retries left: 4
[11-02-09 00:14:48.2754] Plugins::Spotify::Settings::__ANON__ (143)
error fetching status: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint is not
connected, retries left: 3
[11-02-09 00:14:48.5805] Plugins::Spotify::Settings::__ANON__ (143)
error fetching status: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint is not
connected, retries left: 2
[11-02-09 00:14:48.8859] Plugins::Spotify::Settings::__ANON__ (143)
error fetching status: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint is not
connected, retries left: 1
[11-02-09 00:14:49.1905] Plugins::Spotify::Settings::__ANON__ (143)
error fetching status: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint is not
connected, retries left: 0

I have tried emptying the cache, yet no results. I seem to be able to
stream radio, yet I have no sound. The player from within the browser
is counting seconds... But my main problem is getting errors while
trying to access my playlists and I get the same message as in my
logfile: Transport endpoint is not connected, retries left: 0

Oh, btw - I have a premium account.


Best regards


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