Jassel;630703 Wrote: 
> Hi gharris,
> First of all, I really like the idea behind SrvrPowerCtrl.
> Unfortunately, I havn't managed to get it to work properly.
> I'm running squeezeboxserver on a headless machine on ClearOS 5.2
> (based on CentOS). Squeezeboxserver runs as root, at least I think it
> does. Linux newbie here...
> I've installed SrvrPowerCtrl via the extension downloader according to
> post #1 in this thread. I've also run "srvrpowerctrl-setup.sh" from the
> Debian script directory.
> Now for the problems:
> Using the squeezeboxserver's webinterface (from a windows XP machine)
> Home->Extras->Server Power Control I can shutdown the server. However,
> if I try the same with the IR remote on my squeezbox classic nothing
> happens. The server.log says:
> [11-05-11 21:48:00.0587]
> Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Menu::doInputListCallback (523) Could not find
> action item # 0..
> If I successfully shutdown the server via the webinterface, the log
> says:
> [11-05-11 21:49:27.0023] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
> (851) Squeezebox Classic: Squeezebox via SrvrPowerCtrl executing
> command: sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now
> Any ideas what's wrong?
> Cheers,
> Jassel
First of all, I would be surprised if squeezeboxserver is running as
root.  Did you install squeezeboxserver from the rpm?  If you did,
there should be a squeezeboxserver account now under which the service
will run.  What happens if you run the command 

# id squeezeboxserver

..by using PuTTY to ssh into your headless box?  Does id report that
there is a squeezeboxserver user account?

Secondly, please run the srvrpowerctrl-setup.sh from the _Redhat_
folder.  If ClearOS is a CentOS derivative, that means it's a Redhat /
Fedora derivative.  The only difference between the Redhat & Debian
setup scripts involve slight (but important) differences in syntax in
the lines that get added to the /etc/sudoers file.  You may need to
delete the scp-*.sh files from /usr/local/sbin and you may need to
manually edit the suoders file and delete the lines added by the Debian
setup script.  With those chores, the free WinSCP utility, running on
your XP box, will be your friend.

Finally, the problem with executing shutdown from the SBClassic: you've
got me stumped.  I've never seen this one before.  You might try
resetting all the SrvrPowerCtrl settings back to the defaults using the
button at the bottom of the SrvrPowerCtrl settings page.  Unfortunately,
nothing else immediately comes to mind.  If anything does occur to me
though, I'll post about this here again.

Is it just shutdown that you can't do from the SBClassic?  Does
hibernation work?  I won't be in a position to test with a SBClassic
until June so we'll have to work this out together.

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