gharris999;647582 Wrote: 
> What sort of output do you get from:
> # ps ax | grep "gsession-inhibit"
> ??

13005 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep gsession-inhibit

> Edit, edit: also, when you say "Ubuntu Energy options", which settings
> are you talking about, exactly?  On my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop machine,
> the settings are in System->Preferences->Power Management.  I've done
> some testing of ReallyPreventStandby with Ubuntu 11.04 running on my
> laptop.  It seems to work OK there too.
I am running the german version of Ubuntu 11.04. "Systemeinstellungen
-> Energieverwaltung" seems to have the same meaning of what you wrote.
What I changed right now is that computer suspension after 30 Minutes is
set as a rule for all users. I'll report the result later in the


Asus EeeBox, Ubuntu, SBS 7.5.5 - SB Classic, 2 x SB Boom, SB Radio -
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