vagskal;671923 Wrote: 
> Thanks!
> Aha, the jivepattern thing you were going to describe on the wiki...
> Does your implementation support rearranging of the captures (Capture
> 2, Capture 3, Capture 1)? In the thumbnail album view in iPeng two
> lines are shown in CB menus, Album - Year instead of Album - Artist
> like in the iPeng standard menus. And in my file list Track. Artist(s)
> come before Name
> Is there an easy way to see the string the RegEx is applied to? In the
> file list I see "Track. Artist(s) - Name (Year), so if that is the
> string the second capture in your sample RegEx would get only the Year
> ("^(.*)\s-\s(.*)$; Order 2, 1" is what I need for that string provided
> I do not have any artist with " - " in his name). And for Album lists
> where there are already two or three lines I cannot see the delimiter
> between the lines.
The easiest way would probably be to customize the SQL and remove the
jivepattern element temporarily, this will list the items as a single
row and it's this string which the jivepattern regular expression will
be applied on. I think you need to look at the string in iPeng or a
Touch, Radio, Controller because if I remember correctly the strings
are rendered a bit differently in the web interface.

There is currently no way to switch order of capture groups, so you
have to make sure the input to the regular expression has the proper
ordering where the stuff you want on the first line comes first and
then the stuff on the second line.


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