Owen Smith wrote: 
> How do I start "fresh from the root folder" on iPeng? If I select "Music
> Folder" it just re-displays what was displayed before.
I was hoping it would be enough if you re-start browsing from the root
level. Just tap "Music Folder" twice. If not you might have to
force-quit iPeng and restart it, see pallfreeman's comment on how to do
> I don't understand what you mean about the folder structure not being
> there. These are just files and directories on disc, they're always
> there.
This is not how the Squeezebox Server/LMS works. And iPeng can't see
your folders (they are on a different machine), it only sees what the
server delivers.
The server scans the library, including folders and such, stores it in a
database and what it sends to iPeng are these database entries. Each
file/folder is the identified by a number, iPeng never actually knows
the path.
If you "Clear and Rescan" the database gets cleared and all these
numbers iPeng got from the server are no longer valid. That's why you
can't play anything.
You need to get the new entries from the server and you need to do so
from the root level for them to be correct.

In addition to this, the server scans each folder you browse into AGAIN
and then updates it database based on this.

The easiest thing to do is to stop doing these "Clear & Rescan" runs
every day. They are useless anyway if you use the folder structure and
only cause trouble.
> I have the daily rescan because I got sick to death of forgetting to
> scan after ripping a CD or downloading something. It's a pain needing to
> remember. My "Downloads" share is where torrents are moved to after they
> complete, so if the torrent completes I just have to wait until the next
> 6AM and there it is all scanned.
But you could do a "look for new and changed music" instead of the
"Clear & Rescan". Then your database will never be cleared and the old
entries stay valid.
> As for the various caches, I wish they weren't there as they cause no
> end of trouble and often have to be flushed or manually deleted. I don't
> know why LMS bothers with them.
Because it would be unusable on slower systems like NAS which a lot of
users use, without them.
> I did not know that browsing by folder doesn't need a server scan. I
> thought it needed a scan to pick up the artwork.
Well, that is partly true. It will only pick up the artwork on the
second time you browse there if you don't do the scan.
The only thing for which you need a "Clear & Rescan" is if you change
folder.jpg files (or similar files in your music folders) without
changing the actual music they belong to.

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