nonnoroger wrote: 
> Hello Triode
> This has been happening for a while but I thought I should post this now
> it has happened again with your latest version. I stop LMS from the OSX
> Preference Pane.
> Top of crash report says:
> Process:         spotifyd [17095]
> Path:            /Users/USER/Library/Caches/*/spotifyd
> Identifier:      spotifyd
> Version:         ???
> Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
> Parent Process:  perl5.12 [17058]
> User ID:         501
> Date/Time:       2012-08-21 16:16:43.817 +0100
> OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8 (12A269)
> Report Version:  10
> Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
> Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGQUIT)
> Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
> I still have some crash reports from before my move from Lion to
> Mountain Lion.
> All starts up fine again on restart.

I don't see why this is logging a crash report as its saying the reason
is receiving a quit signal - I would expect the application to close
when it sees this.  Perhaps someone more familiar with OSX can comment?

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