Triode wrote: 
> First error message is related to the official plugin, not this one.
> The bad player message is because cli is not working - make sure that
> the server cli plugin is enabled and the helper app is able to make cli
> queries to the server through your firewall.

Thanks for quick answer. Sorry for maybe not being initiated - what is
"cli" and how do i ensure it works/how do I enable it?

Some more log talking about other things, if that could help?
0:12:56.459271] main:1529 relogin requested
[20:12:56.459309] main:1558 resetting streambuf
[20:12:56.459323] _streambuf_reset:84 state IDLE -> IDLE
[20:12:56.459813] main:493 new connection
[20:12:56.459856] main:539 req: cover.jpg res:
spotify:image:cef62d1150b4e09f884ca8946c8f5ebbc99a4dd5 par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:12:56.459869] main:565 waiting for logout to complete
[20:12:57.460894] main:565 waiting for logout to complete
[20:12:58.461996] main:565 waiting for logout to complete
[20:12:59.464414] main:565 waiting for logout to complete
[20:12:59.484433] log_message:80 log: 18:12:59.484 I [offline-mgr:2090]
0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
[20:12:59.484469] log_message:80 log: 18:12:59.484 I [offline-mgr:2116]
0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
[20:12:59.489012] logged_out:60 logged out
[20:13:00.490726] main:618 relogging in as user: danny041
[20:13:00.491718] log_message:80 log: 18:13:00.491 I [ap:1766]
Connecting to AP
[20:13:00.494196] log_message:80 log: 18:13:00.494 I [ap:1224] Connected
to AP:
[20:13:00.506203] log_message:80 log: 18:13:00.506 E [session:856] Not
all tracks cached
[20:13:00.509644] logged_in:53 logged in
[20:13:00.509698] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:13:01.512814] write_cover:96 cover fetch: No error
[20:13:01.512930] main:493 new connection
[20:13:01.512964] main:539 req: cover.jpg res:
spotify:image:d7c450ca7b6fb0b06bf3c7ab9defc115c2b01a6a par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:13:01.513579] write_cover:96 cover fetch: No error
[20:13:01.513660] main:493 new connection
[20:13:01.513687] main:539 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:2NDXCksGEDJCRxOKBCREq3 par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A16%3A77%3A56&start=0&sync=2&id=54 prot:
SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:13:01.513723] main:727 newstream connection from
[20:13:01.513740] main:763 streamid: 0 newid: 54 type: FLAC
[20:13:31.546985] check_player:192 cli connection closed unexpectedly
[20:13:31.547023] main:785 unable to play on this player: -1
[20:13:31.547036] _streambuf_reset:84 state IDLE -> IDLE
[20:13:31.547397] main:493 new connection
[20:13:31.547423] main:539 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:2NDXCksGEDJCRxOKBCREq3 par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A16%3A46%3A20&start=0&sync=2&id=54 prot:
SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:13:31.547453] main:727 newstream connection from
[20:13:31.547468] main:763 streamid: 0 newid: 54 type: FLAC

Best Regards

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