Nothing in the scanner.log with debugging enabled?

Thanks for that. Already shows some things. Could you please set the plugin.smartmix=debug logging parameter to get more information? I'd then see all exact requests it does and more.

[13-01-07 17:39:30.8957] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (485) Starting
Plugins::SmartMix::Importer scan
[13-01-07 17:39:30.8962] Plugins::SmartMix::Importer::runExport (81)
Start Taste Profile export
[13-01-07 17:39:34.4110] Plugins::SmartMix::Importer::runExport (93) Got
7794 song(s) to export.
[13-01-07 17:40:33.2389] Plugins::SmartMix::Importer::doneScanning (195)
Finished exporting to Taste Profile
[13-01-07 17:40:33.2413] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (617)
Completed Plugins::SmartMix::Importer Scan in 62 seconds.

One minute for <8000 tracks sounds reasonable. But we would need to know what it does all this time anyway.


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