I have seen that there are some parameteres that are still missing from
the "blender" (key or song type for example), not sure if you are going

Yeah, I left some out. Mostly those which I wouldn't use (key is too much for my little knowledge :-)). Reviewing the song type description it sounds like a good idea though. I can't remember what seed I used, but in a recent mix I had like Liquid Tension Experiment with some Christmas songs by the California Guitar trio mixed in. Rather wtf moments :-).

By the way, I was looking for a way to include only songs released in a
given period (for example, 2010-2012) but I can't seem to find any
parameter to filter these? I know there are parameters for artists
(start, end) but I could not find anything related to the actual release
date for the song?

I don't think there is any such information available.


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