Rolly, still the new versions keep coming.
I've been using the function to display other jpg files and have have a
couple of comments -
1. There is an icon that when clicked "resize image to window size", I
suggest that the resized image be the default display and the icon
"display image at original size".
2. If there is more than one image, e.g. a booklet painstakingly
scanned, the user has to close the first image displayed, right click on
the postage stamp sized cover art and select the next image to display.
Could a simple arrows be added up near the resize icon if there is more
than one image ? e.g. Next Image, Last image kind of thing.
3. In the Currently Playing section, could an indicator be added to
indicate the presence of extra images - then maybe if the album cover
image is clicked display the cover image at window size complete with
the arrows mentioned in #2.
4. Cosmetic problem on my display, the little window that pops up after
right clicking the small image has the list of images repeated.

You appear to be putting a lot of effort into Discogs data retrieval -
what data do you send Discogs to identify the currently playing track -
in my limited testing I appear to get nothing back, what should I expect
? ... there is not much in the Help - 
"Discogs integration
Album information provided by Discogs can be displayed. This may not
reflect exactly the album in the local library, as there is no way to
find out which exact version it is (normal vs. extended, various formats
Note that Discogs limits accesses via the public API (see here for
details). This is especially relevant for full-sized images, so expect
delays (and even timeouts) when using the "Save to server" function."

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