prabbit wrote: 
> The next thing I did was to start playing songs where I could be
> positive of what was played. The first song I played was 'Policy of
> Truth' and after it completed I ran the database query (again with the
> limit set to 5). The result did not include Policy of Truth. The second
> song that played was "Life 'O The Party" and after it was complete, the
> query results did not contain either Policy of Truth or Life 'O The
> Party. Meanwhile, when I look in the server.log file, both of these
> songs are clearly being marked as played by TrackStat. And I can confirm
> that my TrackStat_iTunes_Hist.txt file is being updated with every song
> that has been played. Further, when I look at my
> trackstat_scheduled_backup.xml and compare it to the previous day's
> version, I see the songs that were played (and listed in the order that
> they were played in the <history> section). The third song, however,
> throws a wrench into things. After the third song -- Don't Forget To
> Breathe -- played, I ran the database query and it did appear in the
> query results. Unfortunately, after the four, fifth, six, and seventh
> songs played, I got the same results as after the first two. Namely,
> they were not in the database query results, but are marked as played in
> TrackStat.
Can you try to do as follows:
1. Goto LMS Settings/Advanced/Logging and enabled debug level logging of
2. Play a few songs (and post/mail me which tracks you played)
3. Run the following query in Database Query plugin (and post/mail me
the result)

  select tracks.url,track_statistics.lastplayed,track_statistics.rating from 
  order by track_statistics.lastplayed desc
  limit 5

4. Run the following query in the Database Query plugin (and post/mail
me the result)

  select tracks.url,track_history.played,track_history.rating from 
  order by track_history.played desc
  limit 5

5. Post/mail me the server.log file
6. Goto LMS Settings/Advanced/Logging and restore log level of
plugin.trackstat to warning or info

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