bluetdi wrote: 
> Yes. If you insert in the plugin
> ...('wunder_apikey') . '/*lang:XX/*conditions/...
> at line 3016 and 3031 and use for XX the countycode DL, the output is in
> german language.
> Edit: Changed to german day/date by editing line 3506 to
> > 
  >   >                 $wetData{$wetDay}{'date'} = 
($dailyfore[$dayindex-1]->{'date'}->{'day'}) . '. ' . 
> > 

Nice catch. I will look into adding this as I work my recent updates.
Would require an entry addition to the Settings page. If it doesn't
break anything else, that would be good.
There are a couple "hard coded" text fields I've added to the recent
version, so those may stay in English, or trail behind in implementation
(unless I can figure out how to pull appropriate information out of the
weather data, which then would be handled by getting the weather
information returned in the appropriate language).

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