whitman wrote: 
> I usually listen to Listen Again stuff between about 6pm and 9pm (in
> south-west England), so that's roughly when it's been happening. Usually
> R2 or 6 Music, sometimes R3, occasionally R4.
> I've been trying to discern a pattern, and generally it seems to be
> about half an hour or so into the playback, when it will start
> rebuffering pretty regularly, maybe half a dozen times over a short
> period. That's often when I get fed up and switch to something else. And
> that's just my memory of what happens: not exactly scientific.

I know the question has been asked and answered, but is this definitely
all using BBCiPlayerExtras for Listen Again (i.e. RTMP)?

I only ask because I have another theory about why there may be problems
with Listen Again using the BBCiPlayer plugin (i.e. HLS), which might
explain relatively trouble-free playing for a period (you've mentioned
half an hour, others have mentioned 15 minutes or so), and then rapid

In any case (BBCiPlayerExtras or BBCiPlayer), if you resume playback
from the place it has got to in the stream (click on progress bar or
whatever), does it behave for the 1/2 an hour again, or still have
regular rebuffering?

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