Hi pinkdot,
i am using version 1436858598 for some days (because of the napster
discussion 'here'
It seems that this version is very slow while playing music espacially
from tunein.
The server.log shows all the time:
[15-07-22 08:51:49.0696] Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP::getMetadataFor
(663) Metadata provider Slim::Plugin::RadioTime::Metadata::provider
failed: Can't call method "master" on an undefined value at
/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/Slim/Plugin/RadioTime/Metadata.pm line
[15-07-22 08:51:49.0703] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1890) Error:
While trying to run function coderef
[Slim::Control::Queries::songinfoQuery]: [Can't call method
"playingSong" on an undefined value at
/volume1/@appstore/LmsRepack/Slim/Player/Protocols/HTTP.pm line 672.
The selected radio station will be played after a timeout for 30 seconds
each time i change the station!
Could you confirm this?

4xRadio / 1xDuet / LMS 7.9.0-061 (& Repack 7.9.0 - 1436858598 @ Wed Jul
15) on Synology DS412+
joerg633's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=64604
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=103636

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