mkkyah wrote: 
> --You have to pay for the full version to have the "update2Beta" option
> under "settings/reboot"; it's a few easy steps to support them with
> paypal.

I did think that may be the case.  I'm a little reluctant to 'pay' to
make use of otherwise FOSS software (the licensing of Max2Play is very
unclear), largely from having had bad experience in the past.  The
amount is quite small and I'd be happy to support the developer so I'll
think this through so more.  Otherwise I guess I wait until the updated
Kodi is included in the main release.

> --I'm reserving the ip from my router for the device MAC, so I didn't
> use 'Set fixed LAN IP-Address'. It should work, otherwise it must be a
> bug.( I'm sure that you hit the "save all settings" button on that page)

I'll look into using a reserved IP. Thanks.

flysurfer wrote: 
>  the setting of a fixed static IP needs the device to have a current IP
> from your router. If you do not have a router connected, this feature
> will not work, as other settings like gateway and netmask will also be
> set with the current values. 

I am connected to a router (a TP-Link running WRT) which is assigning a
DHCP address (which makes me wonder why the web page always shows the
localhost address.  Using 'ifconfig' in a console shows the currently
assigned IP to be, previously it was ....104, previous to
that ...103.  All in keeping with the DHCP pool addresses.

> This feature is meant for routers that sometimes switch IPs for running
> devices and do not offer static IPs. It is not meant as a plain network
> configuration.

Exactly my situation, although I'm not sure why the router is not
sticking to the same address - it does with my other devices that use

Can I use one of the standard Ubunti tools to set a static address or
edit the network config files directly without messing up Max2Play?


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