InTheBath wrote: 
> Thanks for the assist Ronnie.
> I'm using "edge" as a browser, but have also tried on Chrome and
> whatever the android default is (by trying to change the setting via my
> tablet).
> All unsuccessful. The test button shows the helper app is running (step
> 1) but fails at step 2 "Not Logged In".
> The log (debug mode) looks like this:
> [16:23:56.858035] main:448
> /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/Spotify/Bin/arm-linux/spotifydnoflachf
> 2.3.8 started ( libspotify: 12.1.103.gd51f6226 Release
> Linux-armv6-bcm2708hardfp )
> [16:23:56.858805] main:478 Config: username: MLBath cachedir:
> /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotifycache bitrate: 320 volnorm: 1
> httpport: 9005 cliport: 9090 cacheaudio: 1
> [16:25:41.913689] main:567 new connection
> [16:25:41.913982] main:619 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
> prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
> [16:25:41.914066] process_status:1464 process status
> [16:25:41.924319] main:567 new connection
> [16:25:41.924713] main:619 req: toplist.json res: (null) par:
> q=tracks&r=user prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
> [16:25:41.924801] main:723 no remembered user
> [16:25:41.924856] main:1589 bad request for socket or no track
> [16:25:56.944501] main:567 new connection
> [16:25:56.944780] main:619 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null)
> prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
> [16:25:56.944867] process_status:1464 process status

Is Edge the windows 10 default?

Re-enter the password?  I don't use WW10 or Edge so you have to save.

On the computer, why not try Firefox and see what happens.

Also, is the Spotify password the one for Spotify.exe on the computer,
if it is for the web based browser it (I believe) does not work with the
Triode plug-in.

I'm sorry, but I'm empirical only, logs don't help me, but may of course
help some-one who knows what they are doing:o

Try OrangeSqueeze on the Android.


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