I uploaded Version 1.2.4 with a few bugfixes/ code cleanups and an
additional context menu to update a "frozen" bookmark.

The following is only useful for or people who like to listen to audio
books or radio plays before falling asleep and who use a Radio or Boom
as a bedside radio:

If you like you can  setup useful macro functions for the preset buttons
1 to 6 of these devices. 
You will need the "KidsPlay" plugin for that, but unfortunately the
repository for KidsPlay is gone. If you don't have it installed already,
you would need to install it manually. I have attached a copy of the
most recent version to this thread:


It still works fine with the 7.9 server. If you have never used it:
After installing it (by extracting it to the plugin folder of the
server) you will find a new menu in the player settings for Radio and
Booom devices. There you can assign CLI macros to the preset buttons of
these players.

Here is a short howto:

1) Create a playlist with audio books or plays - it does not really
matter how many tracks are in there or how long the tracks are, but keep
it smaller than the limit defined in the server settings (AFAIK thats
500 tracks by default)

2) Create a macro to play this playlist. Here i also added a sleep timer
(with "sleep 3600"), so playback will automatically stop after one

The following code uses "MyPlaylist" for the name of the playlist. Cange
this to the name of your playlist. Note: You need to replace any space
character in the name of your playlist with "%20"

    power 1; 
  playlist clear;
  sleep 3600;
  playlistcontrol cmd:load playlist_name:MyPlaylist play_index:0

So with a single push of a button the Radio or Boom will play your
playlist for one hour (or whatever time you defined in the macro).

3) Define a macro for another button  which will freeze the bookmark for
the playlist. It will also create a bookmark if there isn't already one
and update an existing bookmark, even it is frozen:

    show "line1:Freeze!" duration:2 centered:1;
  bookmarkhistory addcurrentplaying
  bookmarkhistory updatefrozen;
  bookmarkhistory freeze current;

If you push this button the bookmark is frozen at the current position.
In the next evening just fast foward to the position where you fell
asleep in the night before and push this button again (to update the
frozen bookmark). 

4) If you like, you can also add a macro to another button to unfreeze
the currently played bookmark:

    show "line1:Unfreeze!" duration:2 centered:1;
  bookmarkhistory unfreeze current;

I defined the macros for the preset buttons 4-6 of my bedside radio:

4: Freeze Bookmark
5: Unfreeze Bookmark
6: Play playlist "Bedroom"

This allows me to operate the radio at bedtime without even having to
look at the display, which i find rather convinient.

Since there will only be a few people using this i didn't test it
extensively - at least it works in my setup. If you want to give it a
try please check that you are using version 1.2.4 of the plugin and  let
me know if if you find any bug.

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102859

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