Dennis Jan

Thanks for the link and the nice add-ons. I think the search and 
printing functions should be easy to integrate because I guess they use 
separate PHP files. So I would think of a config.ini entry 
'advancedPrinting' and 'advancedSearch' and then select either the 
default ones or the advanced.

Don't know how the search is performed in the back and how the code is 
set up (ie. as separate PHP files or included in the query PHP files). 
If you have successfully gone over the pain to re-write the PDF printing 
I will be glad to completely drop the existing version. I could not see 
the result because the PDF in the current version is often displayed as 
plain text (I noticed that also for the older version 1.1.0). It just 
needed the line

header('Content-type: application/pdf');


Header('Pragma: public');

in printmap.phtml and it worked again fine for me.

The integration of user authentication and roles and the access to data 
might be more difficult to have as separate option, but this depends how 
it is defined.

I think the easiest way would be to send me the code once you have 
finalized it and I will have a look how to best integrate it. I will add 
you as author of the new functions inside the code comments and 
reference you also as contributor in the license.txt.

But I also have to see when I will find the time to integrate it. 
Currently there is still some debugging for the new version 2 (and 
partially 1) to do, mainly a re-writing of the whole legend and TOC 
display (will be integrated also in version 1) because the old one has 
got some problems with XMLHttp and became difficult to maintain with 
more options. I think I got a prototype working, but it needs a 
generalization and some more testing.


DJ Broerse wrote:
> Hi Armin
> About a month ago I contacted you about some modifications we like to 
> make and to contribute to Pmapper.
> We have now developed some functionalities and we like to discuss how we 
> can contribute the code.
> I still have to clean up the code but you can look at the functionalities.
> What have we done:
>     * Searching
>           o You can dynamical create a search question
>           o You can also exclude parts (where id != 103)
>           o It isn't a config yet and can still be improved :)
>     * Rendering of query results
>       There is a complete new rendering of the query results implemented.
>       The tableheaders are now always visible if you scrolldown.
>       There is yet a problem with generating multiple tables, I hope to
>       solve that sone.
>     * Authorisation
>       We have implemented 5 possibilities to authorize users:  None,
>       textfiles, kerberos, htaccess and an MySql database.
>       You can put users in groups and every group has their own map and
>       their own buttons.
>       You can control the authorisation by a config_global.ini
>     * Printing
>       There are some new printfunctionalities such as paper format,
>       rotation, legend on next page, which legend you want to print.
> If you want to test the search you can put the following information 
> into the searchboxes (see printscreen)
> Some translation:     "Selecteer hier een layer" = Select a layer
>                                "Selecteer hier een kolom" = Select a column
>                                "Voeg 1 criteria toe" = Insert a new 
> dropdown and inputbox
>                                "Zoeken"  = Search
>                                "De zoekopdracht heeft het maximaal 
> aantal van 300 records overschreden" = The searchquestion has reached 
> the limit of 300 records.
> Armin I will send you the URL and your username/password to your private 
> mail.
> If someone else is interested please send me an email and I will give 
> you the URL.
> I will suggest to contribute piece by piece so you can control the flow.
> I also like to know which part you are interested in and want to 
> implement in your code. I hope of course everything ;)
> If you want more information please ask me and I will give you the 
> information.
> Looking forward to your answer.
> Dennis-Jan
> -- 
> DJ Broerse    dennisjan at 
> Direct: 0118 42 95 68 Mobiel: 06 48 01 03 08 
> Skype: callto://dennisjan-ibuildings
> BV - Information technology 
> - 0118 42 95 50 
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