On 21.2.2019 v 20:18 Michal Sudolsky wrote:
I sent more which are still pending. At least let me know if some are
not acceptable so I can remove it from pending things ;)

I just realized that the change in the [r1967] breaks font subsetting
with replacement to Base14 fonts in litePDF using PoDoFo 0.9.7. Writing
"ěščř" only the "š" survives. There's used PdfString::setFromWchar_t()
followed by m_pFont->WriteStringToStream(...) and the
PdfEncodingDifference::ContainsUnicodeValue() fails to find some
letters. The base encoding is WinAnsi.

This is only a little heads-up. I do not know how to correctly address
this yet (it feels natural to store data in the PdfString in the machine
byte order, thus the string can be used without additional
re-byte-swapping needed). Suggestions welcome.

[r1967] https://sourceforge.net/p/podofo/code/1967/

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