I tried the code you supplied in pdfmm: if the found font has all the
required GIDs, and the standard14 Helvetica actually doesn't have all of
them so I used Arial as a fallback, I can already handle the text
correctly, see the attachment.


On Sun, 24 Apr 2022 at 13:45, zyx <z...@gmx.us> wrote:

>         PdfMemDocument doc;
>         PoDoFo::PdfPage* pPage;
>         pPage = doc.CreatePage( PoDoFo::PdfPage::CreateStandardPageSize(
> PoDoFo::ePdfPageSize_A4, false ) );
>         PdfFont * pFont = doc.CreateFont( "Helvetica", false, false,
> false, PdfEncodingFactory::GlobalWin1250EncodingInstance());
>         TVecFilters filters;
>         PdfMemStream output(pPage->GetObject());
>         output.BeginAppend(filters);
>         PdfPainter painter;
>         painter.SetPage(pPage);
>         painter.SetFont(pFont);
>         PdfString str;
>         std::string ustr;
>         str = PdfString("ěščřABCĚŠČŘ");
>         ustr = str.GetStringUtf8();
>         printf ("1) '%s'\n", ustr.c_str());
>         pFont->WriteStringToStream(str, &output);
>         pFont->WriteStringToStream(ustr, &output);
>         painter.DrawText(10, 780, str);
>         painter.DrawText(10, 740, ustr);
>         str = PdfString((const pdf_utf8 *) "ěščřABCĚŠČŘ");
>         ustr = str.GetStringUtf8();
>         printf ("2) '%s'\n", ustr.c_str());
>         pFont->WriteStringToStream(str, &output);
>         pFont->WriteStringToStream(ustr, &output);
>         painter.DrawText(10, 700, str);
>         painter.DrawText(10, 660, ustr);
>         painter.FinishPage();
>         doc.Write("/tmp/test.pdf");
>         output.EndAppend();
>         printf ("%s: wrote %d bytes: '%.*s'\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)
> output.GetLength(), (int) output.GetLength(), output.Get());

Attachment: test-pdfmm.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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