On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 07:17:28AM -0700, David Davis wrote:
> I like POEx also.
> Philip:
> If you wanted to get a postback for a certain session/event you could do:
> ZipEvent => 
> $kernel->ID_id_to_session($session_id)->postback('zip_event',@event_args),
> pretty ugly and would cause an error for a session that didn't exist
> I would like to suggest we use
> poe://session/event
> with an optional kernel param:
> poe://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/event

I don't like misusing URI fields like that.  If "kernel" is a process
address, it would be more appropriate to say

  poe://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/event

Safari at least translates

  http:///      into http://localhost/
  http://moo@/  into http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

so there's precedent for this actually working.

Rocco Caputo - http://poe.perl.org/

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