On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 10:17:59PM -0700, Erick Calder wrote:
> > Perhaps I'm too sentimental but I prefer names that are pronounceable.
> POEx is pretty pronounceable: POE-ex
> > POEx
> I like the brevity of this.  my issue however, is that the implication is
> that modules in that namespace are extensions... and I don't perceive
> components as extensions... an extension is more or less an afterthough:
> uh... we didn't think of this so let's extend the framework, whereas a
> component is an integral part of a system, which I believe is more closely
> aligned with the function of POE components.
> I also don't like PoCo, even though it's easy to say and writes nicely,
> because I think everything POE related should be under that namespace.
> perhaps a better suggestion would be to create special namespaces for
> internal stuff e.g. POE::Kernel and let everything else just hang off of POE
> e.g.
> POE::Player::Mp3
> POE::Client::IRC
> POE::Server::HTTP
> but
> POE::Kernel::Child (or some such thing)
> - ekkis
> http://www.arix.com/ec

POE:: could be used, as long as there's a standard namespace layout
for people to follow.  The theory behind a second namepace:

- It allows people to publish modules autonomously.
- It avoids name collision between "core" POE and third-party
- It implies a border between POE and all these things that must be
  installed separately.
- Implies that all the modules have something in common.

A standard namespace layout would solve the first two issues.
Publishing and maintaining it would solve the third.

Rocco Caputo - http://poe.perl.org/

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