On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 10:01:30PM -0500, Francisco Reyes wrote:
> Performance wise would it make sense to leave in postfix any RBLS that one 
> uses 
> as a single point of rejection?

With a DNS cache which caches negative responses too, yes.

> In other words if I use zen.spamhaus.org to block any email listed in it, and 
> I 
> set the level high enough in policyd-weight to reject mails by been in that 
> one 
> RBL, would it be faster to have the RBL in postfix?

I cannot make a statement because I haven't compared it, but I'd guess: yes.
Also, you should ask yourself whether you would use dynablock.njabl.org for
outright blocking (this is a DUL list (dial up)), and included into zen.
Basically you give the decision to accept DynDNS MX users away to their

> Along the same lines.. does policyd-weight stops the second it sees that the 
> email RBL score hit the MAXDNSBLSCORE or does it continue to do additional 
> tests?

   $MAXDNSBLHITS  = 2;  # If Client IP is listed in MORE
                        # DNSBLS than this var, it gets
                        # REJECTed immediately

   $MAXDNSBLSCORE = 8;  # alternatively, if the score of
                        # DNSBLs is ABOVE this
                        # level, reject immediately

"immediately" is what you are looking for, yes.
> Which makes me wonder.. are the RBL tests done first or after the other 
> tests? 
In the order as they appear in the logging string.
RBLs are done first, RHSBL are done last, and only if the REJECTLEVEL has not
been exceeded.

    Robert Felber (PGP: 896CF30B)
    Munich, Germany

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