>>> Supporting PAC by polipo would ease the forwarding.

>> It's been a while since I looked at it, but if memory servers the 
>> "proxy.pac" file is written in Javascript.

> The idea of using it within a proxy as the upstream proxy selection 
> mechanism is interesting, but I agree it's not worth the complexity. 
> I've also seen some pretty nasty proxy.pac abuse, with 100's of lines of 
> js for IMHO no good reason. Using js just invites such abuse.

Uh-uh.  On the other hand, Javascript allows neat tricks such as 
implementing load balancing in just a few lines of code -- without a full 
programming language, you'd need to hard-wire that in your browser.  (For 
the idea of a full programming language at the wrong layer followed to its 
logical extreme, have a lookg at "NeFS":


which makes NeWS (q.v.) seem almost reasonable.  Note that it's a really 
old-fashioned PS file, generated by FrameMaker 2, with the pages in the 
inverse order; you'll probably need to convert it to PDF in order to read it.)

> I'd much rather see some sort of generic regex url matching together 
> with support for applying these for selecting parent proxies, caching 
> policy settings, and whatever else you might want to vary per url. 
> Something similar, but less overkill complex, to squid's acl approach.

I wouldn't be entirely opposed to a clean implementation of that landing 
in Polipo -- but I won't do it myself.  Especially since regexps are not 
quite trivial to optimise.

In Polipo's URL matcher (forbidden.c), I distinguish between domains and 
regexps.  I first check for a domain match (using a binary search in 
O(log n)), and only after that fails to match do I go to the regexp matcher. 
The reason for that is that general-purpose regexp libraries are optimised for 
space and convenience, not for time.  If you do some profiling, you'll 
realise that with just a few hundred regexps, Polipo is spending much of 
its time in the regexp matcher.

Writing a really fast regexp library is not exactly rocket science — you 
need to generate a DFA, then minimise it, and interpret the result in 
a really tight loop.  That's much simpler than the kind of magic that 
LALR/GLR parser generators do on their push-down automaton, but for some 
reason I was unable to find a DFA library that did what I needed for 
Polipo, hence the above-mentioned hack.

-- Juliusz

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