I'm not arguing that religious interests are playing a predominant role over 
financial interests in driving the neocon agenda -- I am arguing that they are 
playing a significant role.
  You provide no documented evidence or facts to support your assertions and no 
specific pointers to the persons and organizations who are running this alleged 
British conspiracy.
  The British elite press has itself suggested that British oil may be a big 
loser as the result of the Iraq War, with Russia and China coming out as 
winners.  The British government is strongly opposed to the Iran War which the 
Israeli government and Israel lobby are pushing with such fervor.  The Brits 
certainly do not control the American mainstream media.  The British empire has 
been in radical decline since World War II.
  Can you articulate any British op vectors that are as persuasive in 
explaining the behavior of the Bush 43 administration as these?
  1. Israeli op > AEI >  Bush 43 > Iraq War
2. Israeli op > AIPAC > Dick Cheney > Bush 43 > Iraq War
3. Israeli op > Arthur Sulzberger Jr. > New York Times > Iraq War
4. Israeli op > Arthur Sulzberger Jr. > New York Times > Judith Miller > Iraq 
5. Israeli op > Arthur Sulzberger Jr. > New York Times > Thomas Friedman > Iraq 
6. Israeli op > Donald Graham > Washington Post > Charles Krauthammer > Iraq War
7. Israeli op > Donald Graham > Washington Post > Iraq War
8. Israeli op > Donald Graham > Washington Post > Robert Kagan > Iraq War
9. Israeli op > Jack Straw > Tony Blair > Britain > Iraq War
10. Israeli op > JINSA > Bush 43 > Iraq War
11. Israeli op > John Hagee > Christian Zionism > Bush 43 > Iraq War
12. Israeli op > Lewis Libby > Dick Cheney > Bush 43 > Iraq War
13. Israeli op > Lord Michael Levy > Tony Blair > Britain > Iraq War
14. Israeli op > Michael Ledeen > Karl Rove > Bush 43 > Iraq War
15. Israeli op > Peter Mandelson > Tony Blair > Britain > Iraq War
16. Israeli op > PNAC > Bush 43 > Iraq War
17. Israeli op > Rupert Murdoch > Fox News > Bill O'Reilly > Iraq War
18. Israeli op > Rupert Murdoch > Tony Blair > Britain > Iraq War
19. Israeli op > Rupert Murdoch > Weekly Standard > William Kristol > Iraq War

  British op > ?

Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          My problem with your hypothesis is that it assumes a religious 
instigation of current world crisis should be considered over financial. 

Ask yourself who benefitted directly from the Iraq war, and the answer is the 
British.  They got the US to regain their Iraq franchise for them, and noware 
back in control of the Basra oil spigot.

Sure the IsUreallis beneiftted; they were co-conspirators, and have been Brit 
lackeys for centuries.  The Jews are once again being set up as the fall guys. 
History repeats itself.  Ask yourself why, if the IsUreallis are so democratic, 
why their local politics doesn't match their mainstream media in terms of their 
image and intentions.  If the IsUrealli democratic process is as vigorous as 
claimed, it would not ;reflect the current crop of leaders.  

Furthermore, there are tons of incidents, in finance, industry, trade, etc, 
where actions are rather clearly to IsUreal's disadvantage, suggesting wide 
cracks in the theory that the "Jews" are in charge.

Remember, the main reason for overwhelming American concern for IsUreal and 
Jews is the drumbeat of reinforcement for the results of the last time the Jews 
were duped. 

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       
  I was on to the John Hagee issue months ago in this very group and warned 
about the developing situation.  Most conspiracy researchers are not paying 
attention and are still digging around in oil industry issues to try to explain 
the bizarre behavior of the neocon-controlled Bush/Cheney regime.
  Do you appreciate that the official mainstream Israel lobby, including both 
AIPAC and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, 
is now completely in bed with Christian Zionists and Christian Armageddonists 
who are actively seeking, with all their emotion and will, to drive the world 
towards total destruction?  What does this state of affairs say about the 
essential character of Zionism as a whole?  Hagee was received with great 
enthusiasm at the latest AIPAC gathering.  Videos of his speech -- and of 
AIPAC's reaction -- are available across the net.  Look up a few and savor the 
fragrance of an Armageddonist cult in full rut.
  This current crop of Armaggedonists, which includes George W. Bush, is armed 
with an immense arsenal of weapons of mass destruction which it feels it is 
entitled (even divinely commanded) to use preemptively.
  The American mainstream media continue to cover up what is going on, in the 
hope of getting on with a war against Iran.  AIPAC's ties to John Hagee should 
be a huge on-going story at the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN 
and other big media outlets.

LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      Pastor strangelove is a strange fellow in AIPAC's bed indeed. You may 
have forwarded Sarah Posner's article already?   Pay careful attention to this: 
Houaw of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act writes one of the evil Europeans:

Pastor Strangelove - and other networks of corruption 

Pastor Strangelove
Texan John Hagee may not have his "perfect red heifer" yet. But he does have a 
huge following, the ear of the White House -- and a theory that an invasion of 
Iran was foretold in the Book of Esther.

By Sarah Posner
Issue Date: 06.06.06

* * *

Although many Christians consider the money-centered word of faith theology to 
be a form of heresy, the Republican Party has embraced TBN's audience as a 
valuable constituency. ...

In his 1999 campaign memoir, Bush recalls feeling "spellbound" by the preaching 
of Dallas-based TBN televangelist T.D. Jakes, whom he has since invited to 
participate in official White House events. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist 
has lauded TBN's efforts to expand its broadcasting into China. TBN's lawyer is 
Colby May, who also serves as counsel to the American Center for Law and 
Justice, a group founded by Pat Robertson, whose president Jay Sekulow, a 
converted Jew, advised Bush on his Supreme Court nominees. May also represents 
certain members of Congress on legislative initiatives and helped draft the 
Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act, which, if passed, would lift the 
ban on electioneering from the pulpit. Its chief sponsor, Congressman Walter 
Jones, a North Carolina Republican, has appeared on Praise the Lord to promote 
the bill. Other guests on TBN programming have included Republican Senator 
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina; Congressman Dana
 Rohrabacher, a California Republican; Texas gop co-chairman David Barton; and 
Oliver North, the radio host and Iran-Contra scandal celebrity.

Several years ago, after Crouch interviewed California Congressman Duke 
Cunningham, he wrote in TBN's newsletter: "What a soul-winner he is! Every time 
he shares his powerful testimony, lives are touched, and our SOULS TOTAL 
soars!" That was long before Cunningham pleaded guilty to bribery and 
conspiracy, and fell under suspicion of providing favors to a defense 
contractor who sent him prostitutes via limousine.

* * *
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