> What makes Brzezinski so refreshing, by contrast, is that he does not
suffer from this mental condition -- call it a mental disease, actually,
because that is what it is: something akin to an obsessive-compulsive
disorder expressed as extreme ethnocentrism.  He doesn't divide the
world messianically into ethnic insiders and ethnic outsiders.  He is
able to think objectively and rationally about global politics -- clean
and sweet, fresh air, compared to the suffocating noxious fumes and
over-the-top rants emanating from the twisted psyches of the neocons.
> VMANN:  yeah, he wants to nuke moscow, not tehran.
> nerdmann

I think concerning Russia the neocons share his views. But of minor

  But yes over here he is mainly mentioned in the context of
NATO-Eastward- Enlargement. Maybe Kissinger does not write as well as
Brzezinki??? And is not the expert on Russia???

Have you heard we are getting defensive shields now against IRAN!!!! The
Poles think they don't need to ask their European partners. Wrong!


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