Philosophical horse shit.

On May 1, 5:11 pm, "M. Johnson" <> wrote:
> Plain
>    we will enforce our immigration lawsWhat Do You Mean “We”?bySheldon 
> Richman, April 19, 2006
> To say the least, there is tension between the ideas that we live in a free 
> society and that government may determine whom we may sell to, rent to, and 
> hire. This is the real heart of the immigration debate. Who should decide 
> such things, free individuals or the state?
> This question is obscured by the democratic myth. People often say, “We as a 
> nation have the right to decide who comes here and who doesn’t. So we must 
> get control of our borders.” The problem with this is that “we as a nation” 
> don’t do anything. Individuals act, sometimes in concert with other 
> individuals, but collectives do nothing. When we say “the nation does such 
> and such,” we mean a group of politicians calling themselves “the government” 
> and claiming to act for the nation do such and such. It’s true that in a 
> society such as ours people vote for officeholders. But the connection 
> between punching out a chad in a polling station and politicians’ making 
> immigration policy is, shall we say, roundabout. It is so roundabout that it 
> makes no sense at all to say that punching out a chad is the same as 
> determining immigration policy. That’s a fairy tale. It’s time we became men 
> and women and put away childish things.
> Note that to the extent that “we” exercise the “collective freedom” of 
> determining who can and can’t come here, real flesh-and-blood individuals 
> lose that freedom. The Washington Post reports that immigration authorities 
> are cracking down on employers who hire immigrants who have not complied with 
> the bureaucratic demands made of them. The Post states, “Serious criminal 
> charges once typically reserved for drug traffickers and organized-crime 
> figures are increasingly being used to target businesses that employ illegal 
> immigrants, a strategy highlighted last week when three Maryland 
> restaurateurs pleaded guilty to federal offenses and agreed to forfeit more 
> than $1 million in cash and property. The little-publicized approach, which 
> can include charging such employers with money laundering [!] and seizing 
> their assets, amounts to a strategic shift in the enforcement of immigration 
> law in the workplace.” You can get 10 years for harboring illegals, 20 for 
> money laundering.
> The assistant secretary of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, put it 
> plainly: “If you’re blatantly violating our worksite enforcement laws, we’ll 
> go after your Mercedes and your mansion and your millions. We’ll go after 
> everything we can, and we’ll charge you criminally.”
> “Ourworksite enforcement laws”? So much for free enterprise. Funny how the 
> alleged party of the free market can be at the head of the mob demanding 
> draconian sanctions against people who hire the “wrong” people. It’s not hard 
> to divine the true priorities of that party.
> In all the blather about immigration, no one has stepped up to explain why, 
> in what Mencken called the land of the theoretically free, individuals are 
> not free to hire and sell and rent to whomever they wish. If I want to rent 
> an apartment to and employ a Mexican, that’s no one’s business but my own, 
> regardless of whether he’s cleared some arbitrary bureaucratic hurdles. The 
> politicians should butt out, which in an earlier time was the essence of 
> Americanism. I don’t think the government school curriculum features that 
> very prominently.
> The usual reply to my “it’s no one else’s business” argument is that 
> immigrants create harmful spillover effects. They use the schools, hospital 
> emergency rooms, and so on. But notice that in that list of strained 
> facilities, you never find Wal-Mart, Kmart, and Sears. Why is it that private 
> businesses have no trouble handling increasing numbers of customers? Only 
> welfare-state facilities can’t take it. Maybe there’s a message here. And 
> maybe immigrants are being scapegoated for the government’s 
> failings.
> --
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