On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 10:28:53PM +0100, Matthias Kilian wrote:
> > Sadly, IIRC, it looks like context uses a single database file under
> > texmf-var, although i would have to check this (currently on a train).

I did some digging. Two pieces of good news.

ConTeXt puts one hash per texmf tree under

But also, due breakage in their selfauto code, the only reason that
hashing took so long and used so much memory, was because we were
hashing teh whole of /usr; including my ports tree, src tree, ...

By fixing the texmflocal path manually, the process is fairly quick (10
seconds on my amd64) and uses about 25MB of RAM. This could even run on
zaurus if you are sick.

Given this, how about this:

 - fix texmfcnf.lua and the bogus selfauto path.
 - take all context macros and bundle them into their own texmf package:
 - In this new package: @exec mtxrun --generate (context's equivilent to
   mklsr). This means only people who want to use context do the extra
   hashing step.

I find this the least offensive solution.

Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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