On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 12:36:49PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> archivers/p7zip
> archivers/xz (see cvs log for the previous failed experiment)
> mail/mutt
> misc/memcached
> net/arp-scan
> net/avahi
> net/bwm-ng or some other bandwidth monitor
> net/curl
> net/cvsync
> net/ladvd and/or net/lldpd
> net/mosh
> net/ngrep
> net/openvpn
> net/rsync (N.B. setsockopt)
> net/scamper
> net/tcptraceroute (or even better, TCP support in traceroute(1) instead;
>   I have a start at a diff but never got checksums to work properly)
> net/wireshark (dumpcap should be fairly easy as it uses libcap on linux.
>   main program would be nicer as this runs the dangerous dissectors).
> print/cups
> security/clamav
> textproc/mupdf
> textproc/xpdf  (maybe other pdf viewers - zathura etc)
> www/lynx
> www/nginx  (at least until they add dlopen module support..)
> x11/dbus
> x11/rxvt-unicode

Could you consider Tor please?


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