> Edd Barrett <e...@theunixzoo.co.uk> hat am 9. März 2017 um 23:07
> geschrieben:
> Hi,
> Here's an update to tex live 2016.
> Can people start playing with this and reporting problems when building
> their docs.
> The pregen tarball is here for now:
> http://theunixzoo.co.uk/random/texmf-var-pregen-2016.tar.xz
> Stuart, would you mind hosting this file please?
> The plist make target needs the new texscythe I posted the other day.
> I've run this through a partial bulk with all the build dependants. No
> issues, but I've not yet tested it thoroughly on my own stuff.
> I only really use pdflatex, so if you are a user of one of the other
> typesetters included, please step up to test.
> $ wc -l ~/tmp/tl16.diff
>    21361 /home/edd/tmp/tl16.diff
> :P
> Thanks
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Edd Barrett
> http://www.theunixzoo.co.uk

Hi Ed,

thanks for your hard work.

The update went well for me, but i had to use an obj-directory outside of /usr 
(the build takes quite a bit of disk space), and had to deinstall texlive 2015 
before installing the new packages with `make install-all`.

Regarding texlive, there are some problems with lualatex and some of the 
packages that ship with texlive 2016, e.g. typearea, which is needed by all 
KOMA classes like scrartcl.  The package has a bug in version 3.20 [1], which 
breaks compilation (lualatex only) and got fixed upstream with version 3.21.  I 
found similar problems with the datetime [2] and standalone [3] packages, and 
there are probably more.  A workaround exists, namely including the luatex85 
package before these packages [4].  Most of the fallout should have been fixed 
upstream, but i guess there is no way to include updated packages from CTAN in 
the texlive package?

Anyway, lualatex is still considered beta and version 1.0 will be released with 
texlive 2017, and i guess that things will just work by then -- so maybe it's 
ok to ignore this issue for now or just point to the workaround.  Downloading 
newer packages to a local texmf should also work.


[1] https://www.tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2016-June/038675.html
[4] http://ctan.org/pkg/luatex85

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