> Edd Barrett <e...@theunixzoo.co.uk> hat am 13. März 2017 um 23:04 geschrieben:
> Hi Nils,
> Thanks for testing.
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 08:06:06AM +0100, Nils Reuße wrote:
> > The update went well for me, but i had to use an obj-directory outside
> > of /usr (the build takes quite a bit of disk space), and had to
> > deinstall texlive 2015 before installing the new packages with `make
> > install-all`.
> Alright, so I think you are telling me you were unable to test the
> update process, only the install-from-scratch process.

Hi Edd,

yes, i think i didn't try hard enough to update the packages, i only tried 
typing make install in the port directory, and when that failed, i made it work 
with make install-all.  I'll try to update from 2015 via pkg_add later.

> > Regarding texlive, there are some problems with lualatex and some of
> > the packages that ship with texlive 2016.
> >...
> > Most of the fallout should have been fixed upstream, but i guess there
> > is no way to include updated packages from CTAN in the texlive
> > package?
> Hrm, that's unfortunate. If you can find a minimal patch to fix this I'd
> happily include it. Ideally this would not change the packing lists
> though. Or is it more involved?

There is a minimal patch for typearea [1], but i don't know about the other 
packages.  Furthermore, if we decide to patch some packages but not all, the 
resulting half-patched texlive is probably worse than an unpatched one, because 
the behaviour differs from other distributions packages (i found the 
typearea-problem on OpenSuse last summer, so i knew what i had to look for).

>From what i've learned reading about the texlive release process [2], the ctan 
>for texlive 2016 will be in a freeze period soon (staring 1st of april) where 
>no further package updates can be added for texlive 2016.  From looking at the 
>directory of texlive 2015 [3], i *think* this latest ctan package snapshot is 
>then put into a folder named "tlnet-final/archive".  Most of the packages i 
>saw in there have not been touched since the release of texlive 2015, but some 
>have a timestamp of late 2015 / early 2016.  Long story short, this *could* be 
>a way to update all packages to their latest available versions for texlive 
>2016 once the tlnet-final-directory is created around april, but i have no 
>idea how complicated this would be with the current port infrastructure or if 
>this is appears worthwhile to you at all.

> > Anyway, lualatex is still considered beta and version 1.0 will be
> > released with texlive 2017, and i guess that things will just work by
> > then -- so maybe it's ok to ignore this issue for now or just point to
> > the workaround.
> If it helps, I plan to turn around texlive 2017 a bit swifter than I
> have 2016.
> > Downloading newer packages to a local texmf should also work.
> So we have a couple of workarounds at least.

Sure, there are some workarounds and these problems only affect users of 
lualatex.  Also, the workarounds can be easily found via google.  Nonetheless, 
it would be nice to have a working system out of the box and personally, i like 
the idea of having a stable, "latest" texlive which has been tested and fixed 
for a year ;)


[2] https://www.tug.org/texlive/
[3] ftp://tug.org/historic/systems/texlive/2015/tlnet-final/archive/

> -- 
> Best Regards
> Edd Barrett
> http://www.theunixzoo.co.uk

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