On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 04:04:00PM +0300, Paul Irofti wrote:
> > try adding "https://paclan.it/distfiles/texlive-20160523b-texmf.tar.xz"; as 
> > [my] mirror.
> Thanks, that is the only mirror that worked for me!

I've fixed the REVISION bump (and associated WANTLIB change) that Paul
pointed out, and added the new mirrors.

Overnight I tested the mirror configuration.

 * Tug kicked me off after about 4% of the texmf distfile.
 * Ports then tried math.utah, which stalled and hung indefinitely.
 * Thus we didn't get as far as the third mirror.

Presumably it's not fair to use paclan.it as the first mirror, Giovanni?

I'm toying with the idea of uploading the distfiles to archive.org. I've
deposited huge payloads there in the past. They have the capacity, but
I'd like to check it's OK first.

Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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