Hi Thomas --

On 5/21/19 7:26 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
Hi - "Leonid Bobrov" is wrong about CC/CFLAGS, it is totally acceptable to set variables in your Makefile and override them with command line flags.

And it is not necessary to add a pkg-readme if the normal documentation is enough.

Sent from a phone, apologies for poor formatting.

On 21 May 2019 21:07:59 dettus <det...@dettus.net> wrote:

Sorry for that language of mine, I meant no offense, but anyway I caused

Thomas, I assume that dMagnetic.ini file is an example configuration, if
so, it's better to place it in ${PREFIX}/share/examples/dMagnetic/
(I see that I made a mistake by pointing README.txt file there)

Also please write a pkg/README file in your port, the ports system will
make it install as /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/dmagnetic and, after
people install a package, they'll see a message that readme is
installed, no need to install README.txt file.

Also I see that your project's Makefile has install target. I still
offer help fixing some issues in your Makefile. I can note about
CC and CFLAGS. In the source code of dMagentic write something like
CC?= gcc
CFLAGS?= -03
CFLAGS+= -Wall
That way you won't need "MAKE_FLAGS =" line, because ports system should
set them via env(1). In shell that would look like this:
$ env CC=/usr/bin/clang CFLAGS="-02 -pipe" make all

If it won't set CC, then your Makefile will just default to gcc,
if it won't set CFLAGS, then your Makefile will just default to -03

Also about install target you need to know that ports system sets
PREFIX as env(1) variable, so I guess you can rename INSTALLPREFIX to
just PREFIX:

Then in port's Makefile add this line:

But I am writting this for future versions of your project, so you don't
need to patch dMagentic 0.12

Also I still recommend you to use any version control system. If you are
unsure which one, most people prefer Git. Other popular VCS'es are:
Mercurial, SVN, Fossil and CVS. It's a really useful tool every
developer needs, I wish I could explain why.


Dude, apology ACCEPTED. But apology NOT NECESSARY. :) I was
not offended at all!!!! You put in some effort, looking at my work.
You gave me feedback, I learned something.
And you helped me! That is the most important thing.

My goal is to get my project into the ports tree, and your input
gets me closer. In other words: THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!

I definitely will work in the changes you suggested. They are very
good. As for the VCS: I am currently hosting the source on github,
albeit in a private repository. I will make it public soon.

For the ports, I have created a public repo, you can find it at


Attached is a slightly tweaked tarball based on that public repo. The port was mostly good; I just made small adjustments to bring things into our standard conventions (like, not starting COMMENT with a capital letter or an indefinite article).

Your instructions in the manual pages and the binary itself were way more than enough for me to get pawn to play on my machine.


Attachment: dmagnetic.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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