In a message dated 99-01-13 10:35:39 EST, you write:

<< [Matt Benz]  Why do *any* of these folks need to make more
 money? Why does Mick Jagger? Why does Michael Jordon keep doing
 endorsements? Who knows? They just do cos they can, and most of us
 probably would end up the same way. It's not Garth: it's people in
 general. That's why someone like Jesus stands out. <g> The rest of us
 fail miserably and remain simply human.

I don't know, look at Patti Smith, she's pretty cool, seems to keep her head
on straight about making records, making good money but not becoming a pig
about it. Jesus, look at anybody compared to Garth. Garth's trip with the
record companies even was frightful to follow. Read "Dreaming Out Loud" for a
blow by blow account of his obsession for control, to the point where he was
making so much moeny and had everyone at the label in a strangle hold, there
was very little left (moeny or time) for the other artists on the label.

It's a good fight, fighting labels for self respect and artistic control, but
he really went off the deep end. More of a Rupert Murdoch than a Bob Dylan.


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