>>Why do you think he wants to sell the maximum number of CDs?
>Um, for the fame?  You know, being number 1, etc.  Of course, it's just a
>guess, but it wouldn't surprise me if running reasonable numbers showed him
>making more money at $24 a copy of Double Live, and $50 or more for the
>boxed set.  And consider the discussed-at-length things like the Soundscan
>reporting week shift when Double Live debuted, or whether to count the CDs
>in the boxed set as separate units; those things don't make any difference
>as far as the money in his pocket goes, but they do make a difference as
>as fame does.

Oh come on.  Soundscan numbers "don't make any difference as far as the
money in his pocket goes??"  You can't be so naive not to know the
connection between publicity, marketing, record sales and money??  All those
things listed above DO make a difference as far as sales go.  All of those
things are fed into the PR machine for a label.  Garth's main publicity
stance these days is how he just does "it" for the fans, etc etc.  No, let's
be truthful here.  He does it for himself, in other words, the paycheck.

Heck, even tiny Sugar Hill keeps an eye on soundscan numbers and reports all
this info back to our sales force.  We surely don't do it to boost our
ego....or to boost our fame.


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