>dummy.  If his *primary* motivation for selling tons of CDs and concert
>tickets was to make as much money as possible, he surely wouldn't be
>sellin' his stuff so cheap.  As Jon sez, most likely he's after the fame
>that goes with the record numbers.  If he just wanted the bucks, he could
>easily be making more than he is now.--don

He could be making more money "now", yes.  But I think Garth is a little
more forward thinking than that.  As you say, he ain't no business dummy.
He knows that the image of him being a *good guy* and *for the fans* is one
that will keep him in favor with audiences despite all the horrible stuff
that people (like me <g>) say about him.  And if your fame continues to
rise, or at his level at least stays steady, he's still earning a pretty
damn good living.

Or perhaps maybe Garth does it just because he loves us all so much.  Just
like he says over and over.

I can't believe I got pulled into yet another argument about Garth and hot
country?  Why do I fall for these things?  I'm my own worst enemy.  ack.
Nie wieder.


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