Interesting article.  I missed this when I was looking through the
Globe on Sunday.  Yup, it can sure be grim here if you're in a local
country band and aren't playing at rock clubs (as several do).  Morse
didn't mention the Fritters, who I think highly of (particularly the Rose
Maddox-ish vocals of their singer, Betsy Nichols), though they rarely
play live - maybe once every couple of months - so the omission is
understandable.  Nor did he mention the Stumbleweeds, who *do* play live
around here at least two or three times a month, so there's less of an
excuse there.  Nor did he mention the Bag Boys, who hold court every
Saturday afternoon at the Plough and Stars in the heart of Cambridge
(Paul Burch fans--word is that he's coming up to Beantown in the next
couple of months to do some recording and playing with them).

     Since when has Loosigian been in the Darlings?  What happened to
that guy Rik (the one who looked like a leftover member of Slade) who
used to play guitar for them?  Y'know, I'm happy that a local band won
that contest and everything, but I've seen those guys five or six times
and I've just never been able to warm up to 'em.

     Loved this part:

>WKLB, which sponsors a country festival at Great Woods each summer (with
>Nashville headliners) and cosponsors summer events at Indian Ranch in
>Webster, has no time slot devoted to local music, but ''that's not to
>there won't be one in the future,'' says music director Ginny Rogers. 

     Well, I'll say it:  No, there won't be one in the future.  

                                --Jon Johnson
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                   Wollaston, Massachusetts


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