Stacey writes:

>Who've broken up Jon...sorry to be the one to break the news.  Rumor 
>has it that Betsey will be trying to advance herself as a guitarist and 
>strike out on her own at some point.  

     Interesting, but not that surprising, I guess, given their sluggish
booking schedule.  What prompted it?  I didn't even know she could play
guitar.  She's a really talented singer; one of the few people I've met
who I'd try to make the time to play with in spite of my busy schedule
with the Bourbonaires and the Kent Hardly Playboys (not to mention my
secret identity as a mild-mannered reporter for "Country Standard Time").'s pretty damn cute, too.

>This article was mentioned to me about thirty times in the last few
>and I'm wondering how he could overlook Hellcountry if he's on my
>and email lists.

     If you want my advice, based on my experience as having had the
Bourbonaires called a psychobilly band in the Globe a couple of months
back, is that this kind of crap simply happens.  I don't know if it's
symptomatic of the Globe's widely-perceived decline, but, yeah, it could
have been better.  I'm surprised that Morse missed it, though,
particularly since he made such a point about local country acts having
such a hard time playing out.  He also neglected to mention "C.S.T." at
all, in spite of the mag's regular championing of local country acts, so
don't feel too put out.  Jeff's probably peeved at the guy, too.

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