-----Original Message-----
>didn't mention the Fritters

Who've broken up Jon...sorry to be the one to break the news.  Rumor has it
that Betsey will be trying to advance herself as a guitarist and strike out
on her own at some point.  The other band that Fritters members are in - The
Pineapple Ranch Hands - a hawaiian country swing band - are doing quite well
though...coming to a Hellcountry show near you.

This article was mentioned to me about thirty times in the last few days,
and I'm wondering how he could overlook Hellcountry if he's on my mailing,
and email lists.
Maybe being ignored is better than being lumped into something though, and
he was pretty far off target about the scene.  Enough, my blood pressure is
rising and I'll be damned if I'm going to let it<g>.

Nice to have Country Standard Time do a feature on the Hellcountry series
this month though, and issues are all over (insert your) town with the Steve
Earle / Del McCoury cover.

Hellcountry "supporting the Boston area twang scene"
http://www.hellcountry.com  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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