
I'm pretty much swamped with work (6 days till the exhibit opening, 5 days
till the press event, etc.), and have been pretty quickly skimming through
the volume of P2 posts lately. (Y'all will be this chatty when I have time
to participate more, won't you?)

Quick answer to Steve Simkin who asked: <<I'm hoping that Trio II delivers
the goods.  And is there talk of an emmylou/linda duets album too?>>

I've only heard one cut from Trio II ("High Sierra" a song that I am
incredibly tired of that has become some sort of required cover tune over
the past few years... That and "Shotgun Down the Avalanche," "White
Freightliner" and a handful of others...but I digress), so I'm not sure
whether Trio II delivers the goods yet.

Yes, there is an Emmylou-Linda duet album in the works. I haven't heard of a
date or label, but have been told to expect it mid-1999.

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

NP: Radney Foster, See What You Want to See

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