At 02:41 AM 2/4/99 -0500, you wrote:
>A bit related to the used vinyl thread - I've been wondering about that cd
>recorder (I think it's made by Sony) which has been advertised on TV for the
>past six months.  I've thought that this might be a good way to record my
>beloved vinyls in order to preserve whatever value my vinyls have left.
>Does anyone have it and for that matter, would it be a good buy? Thanks in

I've had a CD recorder in my computer for just under a year now, and I love
it. It is both cheaper and more versatile than the stand alone models, but
it can be a bit difficult to get up and running properly, depending on your
skill and the age/quality of your computer. Although recording vinyl would
definetly be easier using a stand alone, recording to hard drive and then
cleaning up the song using a sound editing program like Sound Forge gives
you a lot more control over the quality. If you want more details, just ask.

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