> I've been noting Joe Gracey's sterling defence of the Mac (I've got one
> too), but I wonder if it's the fault of this machine (an LC 520) that I
> when I get the Digest all Mike Hays' and Buddy Rocket's posts come twice -
> one in English and one in complete, utter, and total gibberish.
>       The English ones are usually thoughtful and/or amusing; the others
> are a pain in the butt 'cos you've gotta scroll through them, and they're
> always MUCH longer than the English version.
>       Is there a computer whiz who can explain, in English, why this is
> so and what, if anything, I can do about it.
> Cheers,
> Richard
> NP Ian Tyson, Lost Herd.

The answer is that there is nothing you can do, the fault lies with the
poster of the message. Some mail systems, like Outlook Express, seem to
be configured by default to send an html language version of messages in
addition to the normal plain text version. This can be reset by selecting
"plain text only" somewhere in the configuration.

Although a waste of bandwidth, the html version can be easily ignored in
a single message as it will appear as an attachment. But with the digest
everything gets combined into one long message so we have to scroll past
them each time.

Phil Dennison ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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