
Okay, yes, this thread died a week ago, but I'm hopelessly behind in my P2
mail. (Heavy work load + heavy traffic on this list = no real possibility of
ever catching up)

At any rate, I just wanted to take a quick minute to say "Howdy" to Scott
Carpenter who chimed in on 1/29 in the Judybats mini-thread. Scott
apparently lurks here and I hope he'll have the opportunity to be more
active among us-- Lord knows we need more East Tennessee voices on this here
party line.

Scott, by the way, is also a volunteer DJ at WDVX. He hosts two great
Thursday night shows -- "Hillbilly Fever" featuring classic country from the
Bristol Sessions to the early 1970s, and "Swing Set" featuring western
swing, hillbilly boogie, etc.

Scott also oversees the station's web pages at, so drop by and
look around the virtual camper. Like me, Scott has a real paying job in
downtown Knoxville, so I don't know how much time he has for participating,
but hopefully he'll lend a voice from time to time and maybe post a playlist
or two.

So now, betwixt Rob Russell up in Johnson City, Scott and me in Knoxville,
the East Tennessee contingent now numbers three. Pretty soon, we'll be able
to take on the Nashvegans in hand to hand combat. Of course, we're probably
nowhere near as tough as the Music City Goddesses, so we may just have to
pick on the Ohio contingent instead. Word is they're pretty wimpy. <g>

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

NP: Caffeine in my system...

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