I just listened to this too.  And was sorely disappointed after all the hype
here.  As a folk operetta goes it's ok but nothing stands outs.  Sorta like
Paul Simon's Capeman thing. A thanks but no thanks here and I'm a big fan of


Don Yates wrote:

> Didn't someone refer to this as the best album ever, or some such
> hyperbole?  After one listen, I'd give it an award for one of the more
> sleep-inducing albums I've heard in quite awhile, but that's about it.  A
> coupla songs stand out from the monotonous morass ("Chickasaw County Jail"
> and Iris singing "Acres of Corn"), but most of it's too damn stately and
> antiseptic for its own good.  I bet even Kinnamon balks at this.--don

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